Thursday 30 April 2009

Violet Lane Woodland Mural

So we finished the mural at Violet Lane last week, and we're really pleased with it! Here's the story so far:

Tim put out a plea on Twitter for scrap paper, and Lorna from Bryant Priest Newman Architects in Birmingham kindly volunteered their mass of old drawings.

Then we were introduced to the awesome reception classes at Violet Lane Infant School, who helped us to shred the paper up and make a huge vat of pulp.

They then used their pulp to make sheets of recyled paper. 150 sheets to be exact, which we took home and dried in the sunshine over the Easter holidays.

Easter Holidays over, it was time to get back to work, and Tim (with a little help from Jim) painted this huge 8ft backdrop in his Mum's back garden!

We brought this back to Violet Lane, where reception got to see the paper they had made and used it to make leaves for their woodland picture. Things got a little messy...

Finally, the children helped us to put the whole thing together using the leaves they had made, as well as some nice 3D tree trunks and flowers to brighten things up.

And here's what it looks like!

Pretty striking!

This is the first in a series of projects we're doing at Violet Lane this term to celebrate and enhance the school's woodland area.

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